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If you are easily offended, this site is not for you!
Please visit our other (non adult content) site at: www.GraveyardGraphics.com
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We Are A (Mini Style) Custom Graphics Shop!

This site is all about Mini Style, not necessarily mini trucks,
We like it all, from minis to full sizes, wagons to lead sleds.
If it's shaved, bagged, and it throws sparks dragging down the road,
it's all good to us!
If it's sliced, chopped, cut, and welded from about 20 different vehicles,
it's mini style and that's what we like to see.

Vinyl Colors:
Bright Green
Bright Orange
Bright Blue
Light Blue
Primer Grey


The Creepy Cruiser



Contest winners



 Crazy People with our signs


Cool Rides



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Mini Style Page.


  Check out our
Cool Stuff Page.


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Most orders are shipped within 48 hours of receiving payment.
Prices do not include installation.

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Anything we can do to help fellow MiniTruckers.


Copyright © 2013 Mini Truck Stickers.com, All rights reserved

Note: The product and company logos on this site are the registered trademarks of their respective companies, and are provided as a convenience only for their lawful use. Any unauthorized use of the aforementioned items by the purchaser shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser. Any product purchased from Mini Truck Stickers.com is not an authorization for the use of any logo or trademark. By purchasing an item from Mini Truck Stickers.com you convey that you have the authority (if need be) to legally use the above artwork. All entries become property of minitruckstickers.com. By sending us any pics or small videos and entering the contest, you give us the right to use them in any way we like (including but not limited to, advertising, promotion, etc...).